Sunday, January 30, 2011


Have I told you all how much I love my class, lately? Well, I do!
They are the BOMB!
Thank you for sharing them with me!!!


This week's timed test will cover our 0's, 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's! The boys and girls will have 3 minutes to answer 50 problems.
We will be learning our 9's and 11's this week!!!

Earth Materials Unit

We opened up our unit on Earth Materials with "Mock" rocks. Yes, these are homemade rocks!
The students measured them, weighed them, and took them apart!

We learned that rocks are earth materials made up of more than one ingredient. Our job was to separate all the different ingredients that made up our mock rocks!
They found red and green gravel, shells, and lots of powdery material.
We wanted to see if we could separate the powder material anymore, so we added it to water. We did a lot of shaking before we let it settle overnight.

Shake! Shake! Shake!

You will have to ask your child what he/she observed the next morning!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

School Tomorrow at 10:00

School will be back in session tomorrow with a delayed start. Please be extremely careful making your way to Julian Harris. I look forward to seeing my sweet students!

I will send home a revised schedule of the "Where We Are Heading This Month" that was attached to your child's report card last Friday. Pretty much everything will just be pushed back one week. There will be no tests this FRIDAY!!!

Since my newsletter would not make sense to you now for this week, I just junked it! I will send one home next Tuesday since we are out on Monday for MLK. Also, do not expect any graded papers coming home anytime soon either. Wow, this is crazy!!!!

I hope you all have enjoyed the snow!

Student of the Month for Achievement

Garrett Free Way to go, Garrett! You are one BRIGHT boy!!

Hundreds Charts

We spent two days using hundred charts to help us skip count by 2's, 3's, 4's ......12's.
When the boys and girls finished coloring in their charts, we spent some time looking for patterns and trying to explain them.

Playing Around With Multiplication

Last week, we read this book and made our own lists of things that come in 2's, 3's, 4's,.....12's. They worked in groups and came up with some creative things.
We then took these lists to create our own multiplication problems. We used words, pictures, and numbers to answer our problems.
They did a great job with this!!

Snow, Snow, and More Snow!

The Coon House on January 10, 2011! We measured 8 inches of snow. Unbelievable!!! It was a beautiful site!!! Everytime I looked out the window, I couldn't help but to smile!!
Patton's snowman
Shellie Burgreen, Cheryl Smith, Shelley Webster, and me trying to stay warm.

Snowball FIGHT!!
Wrestling in the snow!
Sweet Penny hanging out in the back of David's truck.
Patton getting slammed by Collin, Sam, and Put!
Collin Moses and Patton!

The person who started it all, CHERYL!!!!
Web getting Put a big snowball ready!

Smitty, Patton, and Collin
Collin taking a big fall while being pulled by Kevin Burgreen!

Collin and Patton hanging on tight!

Collin and Patton were ready to tackle the snow!
Patton getting ready to go for a ride!

Barbara and I at the trails watching the boys jump a ramp!
Turner jumped his dad!!! I had to shut my eyes and not watch!!!

Mr. Patrick giving Smitty a push.
David giving Patton a push!
Mr. Brad giving Mr. Patrick a ride!
There goes Mr. David! The daddies were the biggest kids of all!

John Mark, Turner, Smitty Patton, Thomas and sweet Anna Clair.
Smith and Sara Burgreen

This was my job for two days. This was my way of not getting hit by a snowball!
The daddies cheering on the boys!
This is just half of the pictures I have taken this week! We have definitely have had a wonderful time making memories that will last forever!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve, consisted of several of us buddies sitting around at my house waiting for some good news from one of our precious running buddies, Lindsey Bowling! At 8:00 PM, we finally got the text we have been waiting for that said, "I AM ENGAGED!!!" Because of this good news, we all stayed up way pass our bedtime just so we could see the ROCK!
After making her rounds to show off her ring, she finally came over to share it with us! She even brought a video of the proposal for us to watch! It was so precious! We all felt so honored to get to share this special moment with her!

She is going to make a beautiful BRIDE!!!!

A cute picture of Lindsey and her fiance (Wow! That sounds weird!). He is wearing sunglasses because the ROCK is so bright and he is showing her how his wallet is now empty!!! Too cute!


Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

Snow on CHRISTmas!!! The cousins had a blast!
Our house on Christmas morning!
Patton getting the head ready for the snowman!

The head for the snowman the cousins were making at Nana and Papa's house on Christmas morning! It had to sit on top of Nana's cooler while we enjoyed a yummy breakfast!

The finished product! Patton and Smith got a snowman kit on Christmas Eve night from David's parents. Who knew we would get to use it the next morning!!!! It was perfect!!!!
Snowball fight between cousins!
A PERFECT morning!!!
After playing in the snow, the Coon family went home to play and rest! That evening, we headed back over to Nana's and Papa's for a yummy dinner and presents!!!
It was a "MERRY" CHRISTmas!