Monday, November 28, 2011

Important Info

Please make sure you read over this year's multiplication guidelines with your child tonight. These guidelines are in your child's DOG book today. Please sign the contract and return it to me tomorrow. Thanks so much!!!

Let the memorizing begin.......
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Look what was delivered to me at school today. Thank you, sweet Caroline. I love birthdays that keep going and going!!!!

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Sarah, Plain and Tall

We completed our first chapter in our book study today. The boys and girls have an enrichment activity to complete tonight at home.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Birthday Surprise

My sweet class surprised me today with a birthday party. I had no idea because my birthday isn't until Friday which falls during the Thanksgiving Break. With early dismissal due to weather, they managed to still pull it off!

Look at this adorable cake. Jennifer Farris created it!

It was almost too cute to eat!

The boys and girls sang to me, "Cha Cha Cha" and all!

I received a very generous gift from my students! I am definitely being spoiled by this group of parents and students this year!

I appreciate each and everyone of these boys and girls. You and your parents have made this birthday super special for me. I love you all!!

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Monday, November 21, 2011


We celebrated Thanksgiving with a yummy FEAST this morning.

We had casseroles, bacon, sausage, cinnamon rolls, doughnuts, etc.

We are THANKFUL for our wonderful parents for preparing this feast!

Yummy in our tummies

The boys and girls were all smiles!

Mrs. Cleveland did a wonderful job organizing this for our class.

I think their eyes were bigger than their stomachs.

Mrs. King and Mrs. McComb were also there to help serve our hungry third graders.

It was a TASTY morning!!! Happy Thanksgiving!

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A great book....

We read this fabulous book today. Ask your child to tell you about it!

It goes along great with our Money Unit!

Multiplication in Progress

Wow!!!! Look at our lists NOW! They are almost FULL! Thanks for your help last night. Our 11's are still a little weak, but we can continue to try to think of some.

We took these groups and created math stories today. We wrote word sentences, addition sentences, and multiplication sentences.

This was my example for the class.

Erin's math story: There are 3 meals a day. I ate 3 meals for 6 days. I had 18 meals in all. 3+3+3+3+3+3=18. 3x6=18

Abby's math story: There are 8 hot dogs in a package. I have 2 packages. There are 16 hot dogs in all. 8+8=16. 8x2=16.

Meah's math story: There are 3 lights on a traffic light. I have 4 traffic lights. There are 12 lights in all. 3+3+3+3=12. 3x4=12.

Caroline's math story: A dog has 4 legs. I took 4 dogs on a walk. There were 16 legs in all. 4+4+4+4=16. 4x4=16.

Jamison's math story: A starfish has 5 arms. I saw 3 starfish. There were 15 arms in all. 5+5+5=15. 5x3=15.

Abby's math story: A traffic light has 3 lights. I saw 3 traffic lights. There were 9 lights in all. 3+3+3=9. 3x3=9.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Can Drive End Friday

First, WE are losing BIG TIME!!!! This is our stash of cans, only 14! Right now, second grade is in the lead with Mrs. Washington's class being the class that has brought in the most cans.

For every 10 cans a Coondog brings in, I will give him/her 10 credits!!!! I want to see our numbers rise over the next couple of days. We "CAN" do it!!!!

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What Comes In 2's, 3's, 4's...........

Today in third grade, we made lists of things that come in groups.

As you can see, we did pretty well.

However, we need your help tonight at home. Our 8's, 9's, 10's, and 11's look pitiful. I can't wait to see what the children bring in tomorrow for us to add to our charts.

Tomorrow, we will take these groups and make multiplication sentences. The boys and girls will see that multiplication is just repeated addition.

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"The Go-Around Dollar"

Today, we focused on the expository part of this week's selection in Imagine It!

The children closely studied the features of the one dollar bill.

In class, they drew pictures of the one dollar bill and label it's features (serial number, portrait, emblems).

Then, they wrote NEW facts they learned while reading this selection.

Tomorrow, we will focus on the realistic part of this selection.

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Violin Lessons

The boys and girls participated in their 3rd violin lesson today.

He measured them today for real violins. Hopefully, they will get to use them on Thursday.

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Field Trip Tomorrow

We are heading to the Princess Theater at 9:30 in the morning to see Sleeping Hollow. Please encourage your child to wear a JHES shirt tomorrow if he/she has one. Thanks!

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

BONES Play Tomorrow!!!

Performances are at 8:15 AM and 6:00 PM.

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Silent Auction Winners

This morning the third grade teachers had the honor to eat breakfast with the following students before school.

They won "Breakfast with the Third Grade Teachers" at the fall festival silent auction.

We enjoyed McDonald's and Chick-fil-A together.

We had a great time visiting with these sweet students. They definitely entertained us.

Thanks parents for supporting the Silent Auction!!!

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Violin is in full swing!

The boys and girls are practicing on box violins until they prove to Mr. Frank they are ready for real violins.

They did a great job listening and following directions.

Our next lesson will be next Tuesday because of our play tomorrow.

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Halloween Night

My family spends every Halloween night in Point Mallard at my in-laws' house. They are so kind to let my children transform their cute little home into a scary, haunted home.

My boys spent many hours preparing for this big night!!! Yes, that is Patton behind the fence that Mr. David built.

This is their favorite time of year. Neither one of them care about trick or treating, they just want to scare people!



Two of my best buddies and their families spend this evening with us every year. We eat while all the kids and their daddies are outside acting crazy! Ha!!!!

Penny with her mommy and Nana after taking a trip around the block.

All of Patton's buddies stopped by for a little excitement.

Sam, my nephew, jumped in the fun this year! He had a blast joining in on scaring people. He was a pro at it!!!

Patton and his cousin, Callie

Me with crazy Mr. David
He even chased people with a chainsaw (minus the chain). Like father, like son!!!!!

Last, but not least, Smitty!!!!

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Location:Brandywine Lane