When I arrived at my in-laws' house in Point Mallard Estates, I was greeted by the sweet Laney family! What a surprise!
They got a little taste of the craziness that goes on every Halloween at the Coon's house.
Austin and Ashley are ready to hit the streets for some candy! I am so glad they stopped by! What a TREAT for me!
Patton's 4th grade teacher and my running buddy, Lindsey Bowling, stopped by with her boyfriend, Ryan, to check out the chaos she has been warned about during our runs!
Friends Lisa Hamn and daughter, Ellie, and Carol Bryant came by to check out the excitement!
Sister-in-law, Cheryl, getting ready for some trick-or-treaters.
My mom and Lisa sitting on the porch. The weather was fabulous!
Some of my running buddies and dear friends, Barbara, Lindsey and Shelley.
My brother, Shawn, and my daddy taking a break from outside! We had chili, chicken and dumplings, and chicken noodle soup to choose from! David's mom cooked all day for this night!
My mom and dad never miss this night!
This is Smith dressed as ?????
This is Patton as a scarecrow! The poor boy stood on this post for almost 3 hours trying to scare everyone who walked by. You would not believe the attention he got. Cameras were flashing everywhere! He was so proud!

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