First, the boys and girls participated in their first THIRD GRADE store.
Thanks to our wonderful parents, we were able to fill our baskets with some great items.
Today's most popular baskets were the $1.25, $3.oo, and $5.oo. The more expensive baskets will become more popular when the children decide to start saving instead of spending.
When the children came out, they went to the BANK first to cash their checks.
Ethan was our cashier for the store this week. Once the children made a decision on what they wanted to buy, they went to the cashier.
Ethan was trained today by his mother, Tracy Wallace.
There was lots of shopping going on in Third Grade commons today.
Waiting to get their checks cashed at the bank.

I wanted to say a special thanks to this wonderful lady, Mary Laney! She is a lifesaver! Thanks to her our store was possible today. She came and helped me price and organize the items for the store last Friday, and then she help schedule workers for today's grand opening. Thanks, Mary!!!!
We started our first science unit today by decorating our science folders.

Our first unit is Human Body. I introduced this unit today by taking the children outside to jump rope.
They observed one another as they each jumped rope.
As they observed one another, they took note of which body parts moved while jumping rope.
The boys and girls also jotted down any other observations that sparked an interest to them.

We ended today's activity by sharing what we each observed. Then, we started a word bank of important vocabulary words to learn during this unit.

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