As disguisting as it sounds, we broke apart REAL owl pellets on Friday.
It took the boys and girls awhile to get warmed up to this experiment, but after a few minutes of freaking out they were totally engaged!
Before long, they were taking their gloves off to handle the owl pellet with bare hands.
They worked really hard to try to find out what kind of animal their owl had been eating on.
You would have been totally amazed at what they found: pelvic bones, skulls, scapulas, etc.

The boys and girls had a bone identification that they used to compare their owl pellet bones to. This sheet helped them determine what kind of animal their owl had attacked: mice, shrew, mole, etc.

I wanted to say a special thanks to Mrs. Mary Laney for coming to school to help us with this investigation. We could not have done it without the exta hands.
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