We started our Credits and Debits right from the start. Everytime I spot good behavior, the students get a credit. However, if a student breaks a rule, he/she will receive a debit. Each credit and debit is $.25.
The children will add up their credits and subtract their debits on Friday for a grand total! I will then write them a check to cash at our classroom bank, so they can go shopping in our classroom store! Friday will be an exciting day!
We decorated our money pouches this morning. This is what they will keep their money in from week to week!
They are so excited about Friday! Please send in items for our store: candy bars, suckers, pencils, balls, erasers, cards, cars, gum, stickers, notepads, highlighters, markers, anything from the dollar store or the birthday party aisle at Wal-Mart. We want to have plenty to encourage good behavior!!! Also, if you would like to work the store, please come to the third grade commons this Friday around 1:00 for an orientation and the grand opening! We need some volunteers!

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