We have been practicing writing paragraphs CORRECTLY during writing. First, we have discussed main ideas and topic sentences. Then, we have worked on creating detail sentences that support the main idea. We have also worked really hard on organizing our thoughts before writing our paragraphs. We have done this by using graphic organizers. Here you will see that Collin from Mrs. Mazes' room used a web to help him organize his paragraph.
I use the HAMBURGER MODEL to teach my students how to write a paragraph. We discuss that the paragraph must have a topic sentence (the top bun), at least 3 supporting detail sentences (the meat, the cheese, the lettuce), and a concluding sentence (the bottom part of the bun).
Right now, I am encouraging the students to write 5 sentences in their paragraphs. This week and next week, you will see several paragraphs coming home that your child has written in class. Practice makes PERFECT!

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