linking verbs AGAIN today. The children are having a terrible time learning the "forms of be." We chanted, "
Am, Is, Are, Was, Were!" over and over again.

Since we didn't do so well on the first two grammar quizzes identifying the linking verb in the sentence, I have decided to throw it on the quiz again this Thursday.

To help them learn the "forms of be," we made posters today to put in our BEE books.

Both classes worked really hard on these! I think they enjoyed it, too!

Please encourage your child to study these. I keep reminding them that a sentence might not always have an action verb, it might be a
linking verb. I explained that the linking verbs connects the subject to the rest of the words in the sentence.
It LINKS it together!

I was so proud of how serious they took this project!

Anna, Matthew, and Brittney worked really hard decorating their posters!

Destiny and Caleb did a fantastic job! Way to go!
Today in your child's BEE book there should be a workbook page (pg. 59-60) on this subject that we did together in class. At the top, your child should have written the word STUDY on it. This information will also be on the test on Thursday.
First of all, the students should be able to identify the subject and the predicate in a sentence. I explained that the subject is who or what the sentence is about (noun) and the predicate is what the subject is doing (verb).
A simple subject: A dog ran down the street.
A compound subject: A dog and cat ran down the street.
A simple predicate: Mrs. Coon drove to the store.
A compound predicate: Mrs. Coon washed and folded the laundry.
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