Last weekend, I headed to Memphis, TN to run the St. Jude's Marathon. This was my 6th marathon.
We got up bright and early to carb up for our 26.2 mile journey.
We ae bagels with peanut butter and toast.
Shelley and I were ready to get this show on the road. We are hanging out in our hotel's hallway.
This is part of our running group. We were gearing up to head to the Westin to meet the rest of our gang. We all stayed at the Residence Inn together.
Paige Dorr, Shelley Webster, Me, Shawn Smith, and Dave Coon
Paige Dorr, Shelley Webster, Me, Tracy Harris, Megan Miller, and Betsy Motzinger
Here is lots of other people we ran into at the Westin that were running. Jennifer Blevins ran the half with her brother-in-law.
My brother, Shawn, and Shelley waiting for this big event.
Here are our first timers! Yeah for them! They all did awesome!!!!
Shawn with his new running buddy, Tracy! These two will keep you entertained on a long run!
These people are our heroes! They were our crew members. They offered lots of love and support to us runners!

Cheryl, Eric, Bobby, and Ward
Off to the start line!
The fast runners in Corral #3: Megan, David, and Paige.
The rest of us gathered in Corral #8.
We were excited, nervous, and cold!!
Waiting to start was the worst part!
My brother had to keep me warm since my husband was in a different Corral.
I love all the signs that people made for the marathon.
Sights like this make this well-worth it!
David and Paige around mile 3.

Here come Megan around Mile 3!
Here come my brother and I!
Honestly, I can say I never thought I would see us two doing this together!!!
He kept me laughing the whole time! He was full of jokes!
This is at Mile 13!

Shelley at mile 13!
Here is another running buddy, Lisa Hamn, that ran the full marathon for the first time. Her son John Reese, age 11, ran his first 1/2 marathon there! Amazing!
This is Lisa at mile 13.
She smiled the whole time! She is an inspiration to us all!
Here comes Betsy and Tracy! They were so cute! These two had a good time!
Mile 13
Tracy grabbing a snack! We all were so hungry!
Paige heading to the finish line! She ran this marathon in 3 hours and 34 minutes! She qualified for Boston once again!!!
Go Paige!
David on his way to the finish!

David finished in 3 hours and 41 minutes. This was a PR for him!

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