Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Comprehension Strategy: Visualization

Today, I read the this poem to the students.  To spice things up, I stopped reading it before the last line.  The children drew the mental picture they created in their heads while I was reading it.  After sharing their visualizations, I reread the poem, but this time I added the last line!  Then, they drew their "new" visualization.  They LOVED it! 

Guess My Number

We played "Guess My Number" with number lines today.  They took turns picking a number and then coming up with clues using less than (<), greater than (>), odd, and even to help their partner "guess" the number.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Introducing Time

We compared the two different kinds of clocks. We reviewed and focused on our daily schedule as a Coondog.

The children explored with clocks. They worked with partners to tell time to the hour.

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Monday, August 26, 2013

Daily 5: Read to Self

We spent a lot of time role playing what "read to self" should look like. Our goal is to build our stamina up to at least 15 minutes.

We completed 3 minutes, gathered on the carpet, discussed and evaluated the 3 minutes. After much discussion, they begged me to let them shoot for 4 minutes. Did we do it? Ask your child!

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Friday, August 23, 2013


 We made our first trip to the bank today to cash the checks the boys and girls received for their FABULOUS behavior this week.

 After visiting the bank, they went shopping and paid the store clerk for their purchases.  
 Thanks to all the wonderful parents who sent items in today to make the store a TRUE success!

Believe it or not, we had some SAVERS today because they eyed items in the $12-$20 dollar baskets.  

Happy Birthday, GIRLS!

We celebrated two birthdays today at school.  Frances brought donuts to celebrate her birthday which is on Sunday, and Nellie brought cupcakes at lunch for her birthday which was TODAY!  We sang to both girls this morning, and they blew out a candle together.  

All About Me Glyphs

 The students created pictures of themselves that didn't look like themselves!  They LOVED it.
 The color of your hair was determined by your birthday month, the number of freckles you had was determined by how many letters were in your name, the color of your eyes was determined by how you got to school, etc.
 They had to tally the results once they were all displayed.  They had to determine how many students had siblings, how many people had last names that began with A-J and K-Z, and how many students rode in a car to school.  They worked great on this assignment.  FUN!!

Getting to Know Each Other

 Thursday, each child had a handful of M&M's.  He/She sorted them into colors to determine what he/she had to share about himself/herself to the rest of the class.  For example, if I had three brown ones, I would share 3 hobbies of mine.

STAR test

The boys and girls tackled through their first STAR test for the year.  This test tells me the current grade  level your child is reading on and the instructional level I need to be teaching your child on.  I will be sending these reports home soon.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Who won?

The boys had 54 letters...

The girls had 54 letters...

It was a tie!  We couldn't believe it!
We have 108 letters in our class!  

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


We read Chrysanthemum today at school.  We were amazed that the main character's  name had 13 letters in it.  We wanted to see how many letters were in our names.  We discovered the following:

Sharvari (Sharu) has the most letters in her name (8).

Frances has one letter less than Sharu (7).

9 students in our class have 6 letters in their names.  

7 students in our class have 5 letters in their names.

Abby has the least amount of letters in her names. (4)

The students created a bar graph with this information today.  

Tomorrow we are going to see if the girls or if the boys have more letters in their names.  


Treat Time

 Our FIRST batch of snack mix was a success! 
We enjoyed our snack outside on the curb.

No Talking by Andrew Clements

Our FIRST read aloud in 2nd grade.  We have been discussing many, varied, and unusual ways we can communicate without talking.  Ask your child some ways we discussed in class.  They are LOVING the book!

Getting to Know Each Other

The boys and girls went on a "FIND A FRIEND" hunt this morning.
 Find a friend who loves to eat pizza.
 Find a friend you has a summer birthday.
 Find a friend who has different color eyes than you!
 Find a friend who likes to ride their bike.
 Find a friend who has sibling at our school.
 Find a friend that LOVES 2nd Grade!
 Find a friend who loves math.
 Find a friend who brought their lunch today.
They LOVED it!  It was cute watching them ask each other questions.