My family spends every Halloween night in Point Mallard at my in-laws' house. They are so kind to let my children transform their cute little home into a scary, haunted home.

My boys spent many hours preparing for this big night!!! Yes, that is Patton behind the fence that Mr. David built.

This is their favorite time of year. Neither one of them care about trick or treating, they just want to scare people!



Two of my best buddies and their families spend this evening with us every year. We eat while all the kids and their daddies are outside acting crazy! Ha!!!!

Penny with her mommy and Nana after taking a trip around the block.

All of Patton's buddies stopped by for a little excitement.

Sam, my nephew, jumped in the fun this year! He had a blast joining in on scaring people. He was a pro at it!!!

Patton and his cousin, Callie

Me with crazy Mr. David
He even chased people with a chainsaw (minus the chain). Like father, like son!!!!!

Last, but not least, Smitty!!!!
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Location:Brandywine Lane