I hope each one of you had a wonderful spring break! I had a wonderful week running, relaxing, and spending time with family and friends. Here is a list of what I did each day. I cannot wait to hear what you did.
Sunday, March 22: My family went to early service at church and then I met my 11th grade girls at the Cracker Barrell for breakfast. Then, I went to work at Gloria's from 1-5. The boys spent the afternoon playing outside while Mr. David worked in the yard.
Saturday, March 21: First, I ran 6 miles with my brother at Delano Park. Then, we just hung out around the house. Smith had ball practice at 3:00 until 5:00. After practice, went to O'Charley's with Mr. David's parents.
Friday, March 20: First, I ran 5 miles while everyone was still sleeping. Then, the boys and I laid around in our PJ's until after lunch. Mr. David took the afternoon off, so we went to Huntsville shopping for the afternoon. We went and bought Easter outfits for Patton and Smith. When we got home, we went and ate mexican food with my brother's family.
Thursday, March 19: I ran 22 miles. I started at 4:45 in the morning. I got home a little after 8:00. After I finished running, I spent a lot of time resting on the couch. The boys played outside pretty much all day. I was so worn out! Smith had ball practice at 5:30.
Wednesday, March 18: I ran 9 miles with my brother. Then, we met up with family and friends and headed to Birmingham to the zoo. Here are some pictures of our wonderful day!

Barbara Stepp, Paige Dorr, Me, Shelley Webster, and Cheryl Smith (my sister-in-law).
Tuesday, March 17: Happy St. Patrick's Day! We never left the house today. I only left to run 10 miles while everyone was still in bed. I spent the day cleaning out the boys' closets. I moved their winter clothes out and moved their spring/summer clothes in! Did you wear your green today?
Monday, March 16: First, I ran 8 miles while everyone was sleeping. When the boys got up, we headed to Target and Old Navy to shop for some spring/summer clothes for them. They had a great time picking things out and trying them on in the dressing room. We spent the afternoon at home enjoying being out of school.
Sunday, March 15: We went to early church, and then I had to work at Gloria's Good Health from 1-5. The boys spent the afternoon hanging out Mr. David.
Saturday, March 14: I ran in the pouring down rain at the DELANO 12 Hour Run. David and I ran 15 miles and then helped out at the race. Some people actually ran for 12 hours straight.

Here I am after my 15 miles. I was soaked!

Not only was I soaked, but I was so muddy! I had to run through mud puddles and lots of standing water! My shoes will never be the same.

Here is a picture of one spot I ran through 15 times.

Yes, this is another part of the trail I ran through 15 times! It was a kid's dream-to play in the rain and the mud! Smith and Patton were so jealous!

My running buddy, Paige, had the honor of pacing Jamie Donaldson from Littleton, Colorado. She is the #2 ranked female ultra-marathoner in the United States. Paige ran with her for 27 laps which is 27 miles. Jamie Donaldson ran a total of 78 laps (miles) in 12 hours.